
Studio 47 is the film & TV production group at the Claremont Colleges. We rent out filmmaking equipment to students, offer assistance and guidance in the production process, run technical filmmaking workshops, and host screenings and discussions. The Studio 47 space is located in the basement of Clark V, on Pomona’s campus (down the staircase closest to Frary Dining Hall).


Every fall, we hold the 47-Hour Filmmaking Challenge, in which teams of students have exactly 47 hours (a whole weekend) to write, shoot, and edit a short film. At the end of the weekend, on Sunday night, we screen all of the films and invite all participants, friends, and anyone else to come watch.


Every spring, we put on the Claremont Colleges Student Film Festival. All 5C students are invited to submit their work, and we screen them and give out awards. Wine and cheese and good times are all provided free of charge.